People who fall asleep later are more likely to have...

A new study by the University of Pennsylvania shows that a lack of sleep can lead to a lot of terrible things including Obesity, high blood pressure, and reduced life spans. Drowsiness also causes a lot more errors in your day to day life- this is reflected in in traffic accidents, as over 30% are a cause of one of the drivers being drowsy.

But the most controversial findings show that there is a link between academic studies, a higher IQ, and a later bed time.

Extensive research by Satoshi Kanazawa and colleagues at the London School of Economics and Political Science have uncovered significant differences in sleep-timing preferences among people, depending on their IQ scores. People with higher IQs are more apt to be nocturnal night-owls. Those with lower IQs tend to restrict their activities primarily to daytime.

Basically, if you are one of those people who stay up late- maybe it is a good thing. Obviously this isn't true in all cases, but I am sure a lot of people in university will be able to shed some light on the possibility that all those all nighters where they are either binge drinking or working on a paper are for good reason!

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