Did you win $40,000? Pepsi made a huge mistake with a marketing campaign in ...

Pepsi is always coming up with amazing marketing campaigns to keep their customers interested in their product, and to keep people talking about their brand name. These are two of the most important things to do when marketing your product, but their campaign in the Phillipines got people talking for the wrong reasons...

Numbers were hidden in bottle caps, but only one number was what you were looking for: 349

They marketed this on the radio, television, on posters and in magazines- it is safe to say the word got out there... Each bottle cap labeled 349 was an instant winner of about 40,000$... The only issue is about 800,000 caps were printed, and it is safe to say that Pepsi was not about to pay out that number.

This led to mass hatred in the country towards the product, in fact even death threats were issued to Pepsi executives! more than 22,000 people have filed civil suits against Pepsi...


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