Guy Fattens Up Girlfriend To Satisfy Himself

An attractive young blond girl who was considered to be thin as you can see in the pic. her boyfriend was not he talked her into letting him fatten her up to make him satisfied. So he continued to feed her gross amounts of food to help her pack on the pounds.

Sometimes strange desires will drive people to do some crazy stuff, but generally people are doing something more bedroom oriented. This couple appears to get their satisfaction at the dinner table..

Day in and day, out her boyfriend helps insure that she packs on the pounds so that his smile can grow with her portly waist size. What is crazy, is that she seems to be enjoying the task of taking on the weight, and must be getting equal amounts of enjoyment.

She better hope that he doesn’t change his mind on her and leave her high and dry, because she has taken herself to a new extreme with their binge eating. This might appear to be a healthy relationship, but it is probably anything but that in reality.

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