How not to get rid of your wife..

Marriage is supposed to last forever- but to everyone's sadness, it doesn't always work out. Sometimes people change, sometimes people fall out of love. But there are channels to  deal with that- counselling, divorce... Maybe swinging (joking!)?

But then there are people like this. An immigration officer was just not getting along with his wife, and when she went to visit her family in Pakistan, he put her name on the no-fly list.

As she tried to come back to the UK, she was denied entry to the plane, and was not told why. In her confusion I am sure it all started to make sense when her immigration working husband refused to answer her calls.

It is likely he forgot all about her, because 3 years later- yes she was still stuck in Pakistan- he went for a job promotion. In his line of work, they do background checks on that - which raise eyebrows when his superiors saw that he was married to a suspected terrorist. He confessed to his doings, and he was fired. She was allowed to fly again- and it was probably a happy ending of sorts. Unless she finds him, i'm sure she has quite a bit on her mind directed at him..  


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