A handicapped man sued Chipotle because he couldn't see over the counter

It is a tough life for the Handicapped, but corporate America is forced to make entering and dining in there their restaurant a little bit easier.

No discrimination. It is a fantastic policy.However, this guy might have taken it too far.

If you have ever been to a Chipotle than you know that you order from the right; you pick your shell, your meat, your toppings; and you pay. Like a Subway. Now, the countrers are at about waist level, and a handicapped man entered and could not see over the counter. After complaining he decided to sure Chipotle because he "was denied the Chipotle experience."

Because of the American Disability act, all counters must be lower than 36 inches or lower. Well Chipotle has 45 inch counters- and so in this regard, the wheelchair bound man was correct. The man, Maurizio Antoninetti was known to sue companies which were not ADA compliant, and so Chipotle sued. Chipotle lost the lawsuit, and was ordered to pay Antoninetti $5,000 and his quarter of a million lawsuit- which in my opinion is a loss on both of their sides.


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