A sweet tale of a man who gave up his lifestyle for his wife...

Everyone loves Robert Downey Junior. In fact I will forever associate the roles of Iron man and Sherlock holmes with his face and witty sense of humour. But he wasn't always so upbeat and in the public's eye as the good guy that he is today... actually he used to have the reputation of hollywood's bad boy. He had an alcohol problem and he had a drug problem- and it is estimated that he had his first puff of weed at 6 years old. His father was a film director and writer, and was the one to give it to him!

Well, after that he has had quite a few run ins with drugs, resulting in a few different stories- but his drug use ended in the most amazing of ways when his now wife gave him an ultimatum. The choice she gave him in 2001 was simple- give up the dope, or give up me. Well, he chose right- and I think it really worked out for him because here he is making fantastic movies, more famous than he has ever been!

They call her Iron woman- actually what Hollywood calls her is "the miracle which saved Robert Downey jr," unofficially of course!  


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