Did you know that there is an Indian man who planted a forest all by himself and….

The name of this man is Jadav “Molai” Payeng and his story is really amazing!

Everything had started 30 years ago when he was a 16-years-old teenager. He started planting seeds along a sandbar nearby his birthplace in Assam region, India. He did that, because there was a big flood back in 1979, which brought a large number of snakes on the sandbar which died, because of the heat there. He alerted the local forest department, but they ignored him and he got motivated to do some good by himself. So, he started planting trees and now he has a 1,360 acre forest, which is the home of several thousand varieties of plants and amazing diversity of wildlife – birds, apes, elephants and even tigers!
This sandbard forest is now called after him – “The Molai Forrest” and he lives there with his wife and three kids. He and his family make a living out of selling cow and buffalo milk.

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