Did You Know That Sarcasm Has Been Proven To Make You …

According to a new study published in Journal of Applied Psychology, if you wish to make your employees put more effort and become better at their job, you should use sarcasm instead of ruthless anger. The study shows that people react better to a sarcastic remark than to a fight.
The key to these results isn’t hard to figure out : even though sarcasm can be hurtful, it also adds some humor to the situation and softens it. It shows another angle to the problem which caused the situation in the first place. It’s easy to shout at someone and point out their flaws and mistakes. It’s harder to make them want to put effort into correcting those mistakes and give the best they can in school, at work or in a relationship.
Sarcasm has proven to be less offensive than an open fight, because it sounds more as a remark rather than as an overt insult. Not only that, sarcasm is being considered a sign of brightness and cleverness. And we can all agree that’s a compliment to our personality, right?

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