Did you know that a Chinese couple sold their three kids in order to....

A game-obsessed Chinese couple, who actually sold their three kids in order to play games at various Internet cafes.

The shocking story of a Chinese couple Li Lin and Li Juan was finally revealed  by the grandmother of the children. She said that she found out her son and his wife had sold their first daughter for less than $500 in order to continue paying for their online game addiction. The young game-obsessed parents decided to sell their firstborn son for an even greater amount of $5,000. The couple continued with this horrible practice later on when they had a third baby, which they sold for another $5,000 in order to continue with their online game mania.

I don't know  WTF is wrong with theses people? How could they do that to their children just for a game.. 

In the end, they did finally they get what they deserved from the authorities..

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