Special Education Teacher Fired for Posting Suggestive Pics from His School Email Account

In today's increasingly web-oriented, digital world, it's easy to forget that posting photographs and other sensitive information can come back to haunt you. Between the dangers of s*xting, virtual relationships gone awry, and general overexposure, the internet can become a very inhospitable place for some people.

Thirty-two year-old Matthew Maleski was an Occupational Therapist and Special Education teacher at Public School 183 on the upper East Side of New York City for more than a year before school administrators fired him over racy images and bad decisions. Maleski not only used a shirtless photo for his public Facebook profile, but another teacher discovered that he had replied to Craigslist sex ads using a gmail account that was shared by several teachers at the school. Maleski had apparently used the gmail account to send sexual chat messages to strangers on Craigslist, and he had also attached a photo of himself wearing only his boxer shorts.

After doing a little bit more digging, administrators learned that Maleski had also posted a video on YouTube of himself gyrating to club music while wearing little more than his skivvies. The video includes two other male dancers, both of whom are mostly nude and have names like “Pornstar” and “Joey Jinx.” All of the images and videos that they discovered were free to the public and easily found with even the most basic search terms. Maleski lost his $56,048 a year position and issued a very contrite apology to his co-workers and students. (Link | Photo)

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