How the young people are getting drunk without getting caught..

Every year, people come out with new ways to destroy their body- but it is a shame that things have progressed to this level.. In the USA, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to drink, and so the kids are coming up with new ways to get drunk without getting caught. This is TYDK the youngsters are using to get messed up..

1. Vodka tampon

The vodka tampon trick is being used by both men and women. The inside of your private parts have a lot of exposed blood vessels, and there is no faster way for this stuff to hit the blood than to put a bit of alcohol on a tampon, and insert it into your rectum or vaginally.

The reason why people do it is to make sure there is no alcohol on your breath, because it is illegal for kids under the age of 21 in the USA to drink.

2. Rummy Gummies

Children as young as elementary school have reportedly been bringing these to school to share with their friends right under their teachers noses. Gummies, or gummy bears, are soaked in alcohol, usually rum, and consumed. They actually do have a kick, and because they look so innocent it is hard to catch. They have been reported in elementary schools in Florida, New York, and Nebraska.

3. Eye ball Shots

The most disgusting and harmful. A bottle of eye drops are emptied, and then filled with alcohol, usually Vodka. Just one drop to the eyes will get most people drunk- however it must be remembered that this is the fasted way to get alcohol poisoning, and alcohol over dose.

4. Drinking hand sanitizer

How desperate must you be! This is becoming pretty popular, in fact over 2,600 cases have been reported in California since 2010 alone! No surprise, this anti bacterial hand sanitizer is no good for your body, it contains 60% ethanol- which is the main component of vodka, wine or beer. Just a few squirts will get you drunk, because it is 120 proof (Most vodkas are 80), but no one ever stops that and so it almost always leads to hospitalization! 


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