Awesome TYDK about New Zealand!

A beautiful country to the south east of Australia, New Zealand is known for a lot of stuff that you probably did not know. Their people are known as the Kiwis and they were once governed by Australia, but now have no ties to the country other then economic and being apart of the commonwealth. They were actually offered the chance to be one of the states of Autralia, but rightfully declined. These are a few things you did not know about New Zealand.

1- The Kiwi is not a fruit, but a bird. In New Zealand they call the brown skinned fruit either a kiwifruit or a Chinese Gooseberry.

2- New Zealand was the first country to allow Universal Suffrage, in other words they were the first country to make it legal for both men and women to vote.

3- Queen Elizabeth II of Enlgand is the official queen of New Zealand, and is officially represented in the country by a Governor General- whose main job is to ratify laws that are passed by either him or the queen.

4- One of the main exports of New Zealand is sheep. Suprisingly enough there are about 9 sheep to ever human in the country.

5- Wellington, the capital, is the southern most capital city in the world!

6- New Zealand is a Plastic Nation, this means that the country doesn't use cash much- they prefer credit card or debit card. Even taxis allow the use credit card.

7- New Zealand is a super liberal nation; homosexual marriage, prostitution and brothels are legal. Age of consent is 16, drinking age is 18- unless you are with an adult.

8- Hollywood loves to take advantage of the amazing scenery in this country- and many movies including the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings were shot on location in this beautiful country.

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