The world's first curved smart phone

Samsung believes you will buy it- and they have been right on their money when it comes to knowing their consumers wants and desires. The Samsung Round, will be the world's first curved smartphone. The Technology behind this is pretty cool, they are actually going to be placing it in TVs (might be nice in a small room with lots of corners) and other items like picture frames. The phone was announced prematurely as pictures of it were leaked to a technology website- Samsung felt they had no choice but to confirm.

At only 154 grams heavy, and 7.9 mm wide, this thing is sure to turn some heads with it's efficient and innovative design. It is still unclear as to all of the features that will be offered on it, but one thing that I found pretty cool was that the phone does not have to be on to use it. If you want to listen to music, for example, and feel the need to change songs, all you need to do is touch the right hand side of the phone to get it to skip forward, and left and side to get it to go back.

There will probably be even more information released soon, but as it stands- we give Samsung two thumbs up for an innovative idea.


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