The perfect plan to test their friends..

It must be difficult bringing a baby into the world as a celebrity- especially when you are not the most loved celebrity couple in the world. Im talking of course of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. Say what you like about these people- Kim is a social overachiever who is obsessed with herself, and Kanye is a rapper who thinks he is god (also very obsessed with himself).

When their child was born, there was a huge media frenzy about what the baby looked like- and of course this paranoid couple doesn't trust anyone. Well they plotted a plan to see which of their friends were true friends by giving each a different picture of a baby. They knew somebody would leak the picture, they would know which friend by which picture was leaked. Sure enough someone tried to sell pics of the baby, and the baby was identified as a fraud (and the friend was blacklisted by the couple).

Cant trust anybody these days!

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