Awesome Art facts!

Mona Lisa - the duck face

1- Vincent Van Gogh had made more than 2000 pieces, around 900 paintings, and 1100 sketches. It is a well known fact that he went insane and cut off his own ear- but probably because he was under valued and only sold 1 piece his whole life time.

2- Leonardo Da Vinci was left handed and wrote a coded journal with many secrets in it. He wrote it so that it could only be read using the aid of a mirror, which baffled his biggest hater.... The Vatican

3- Roman Statues were made with detachable heads so that they could be removed and replaced with other heads.

4- The Da Vinci was stolen from the Louvre- and replaced by 6 fakes, all bought at a huge price - during the time the Louvre took to get the original back.

5- It took Da Vinci 10 years to paint (perfect) just Mona Lisa's lips...

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