9 amazing facts about the human brain!

1. Your brain send and receives signals (impulses) at 170 miles per hour!

2. Your brain only operates on the same amount of energy that is used for a 10 watt light bulb!   (Makes you think of those cartoons where the guy gets an idea and a light bulb pops up over his head..)

3. Have you ever held the Encyclopedia Britanica? Your brain hold 5 times that much information

4. Even though your brain is only 2% of your body mass, your brain takes up 20% of the oxygen that enters your body..

5. Scientists don't know why- but your brain is more active while you are asleep

6. You have a higher I.Q while you dream.. (fun side fact- the average dream is only 2- 3 seconds long)

7. While your body stops growing- your Neurons will grow your entire life.

8. Even though it is your brain that tells your body when you are in pain, your brain can never feel any pain.

9. 80% of your brain is water!!

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