29% of San Francisco's pollution is created in China...

They say everything in America is made in China, and it seems it is true with this fact. China is the worlds greatest polluter of greenhouse gases- pumping out a solid 6,018 million tonnes a year! They are such huge polluters that 29% of the pollution in San Francisco is directly to be blamed on Chinese pollution. But the Americans can't complain- try being the China's neighbors! There is a desert in S. Korea that has to be constantly monitored for "Asian dust" or toxic airborne chemicals. The chemicals in this dust are mostly made up of toxic Silicone- which is why we see a lot of people in southeast asian countries wearing masks. The S. Koreans and Chinese have tried many solutions to this problem, even planting a forest of hundreds of trees- but to no avail.

The only "solution" is for China to put a cap on how much pollution they emit into our world's atmosphere. This is not a Chinese problem, this is not even a SE. Asian problem- it is a problem of all of ours as we all share the same atmosphere.

Something needs to be done

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