10 of the dumbest laws in Texas..

Texas- one of the biggest states in the United States- it is also home of some of the weirdest things that happen in America. Below we list some of the weirder stuff- all the strange laws attorneys and lawyers have to deal with.

  1. It is illegal to sell your eyes. I'm pretty sure attorneys don't have to deal with this law too often.
  2. It is illegal to take more than three sips of a beer at a time while standing. This is a WTF law, what- are texans so bad at multitasking they are afraid they might fall over?
  3. If you own more than 6 dildos, or even promote the fact of doing so- you better have a great lawyer, because that is a felony. 
  4. It is illegal to milk another person's cow..
  5. A recent anti crime law (This is real) was passed that requires criminals to give up to 24 hours notice to the victim as to why they are going to commit the crime. You must describe the nature of the act. Criminals can do this either written or orally. 
  6. Homosexual behaviour is a misdemeanor. 
  7. The entire encyclopedia Britannica has been banned in Texas because it offers a homemade beer recipe in it. This may have helped stunt education in Texas.
  8. In the city of Abilene, you are not allowed to loiter for the purpose of "flirting" or "mashing."
  9. In Clarendon, you may not dust ANY public building with a feather duster. 
  10. In Austin you may not carry wire cutters in your pocket.


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