Did You Know That The Oldest Person Ever Supposedly Lived…

Li-Ching Yuen was a Chinese herbalist and martial artist who was supposedly the oldest man to have ever lived. Chinese records showed that he was born in 1677 but according  to Li-Ching himself, he was actually born in 1736. He died on May 6, 1933 at the age of either 197 or 256 years. Either way, he reached a much older age than the longest confirmed of 122 years which belonged to a French woman named Jeanne Calment. A professor of Chengdu University in China found Imperial Chinese government records congratulating Li-Ching on his 150th birthday and later on his 200th birthday in 1877 and he sent the records to New York Times in 1930.

Li-Ching spent about 40 years of his life gathering herbs in the mountains of China and later joined the Chinese army at the age of 71 to teach martial arts.

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