Criminal who escapes actually calls 911...

Prisoners were being transported between prisons when the van they were in stopped in order to deliver some prisoners to a hospital. Trustingly enough- the van was left unattended, and running- in order to let the prisoners have air-conditioning. With no guards in sight- two prisoners kicked at the partition in the van until it broke, and they gained access to the drivers seat. 

Joshua Silverman, a prisoner in the back, managed to get ahold of a cell phone and call 911. 

His phone call:

"Uh, yes, ma'am, you're probably not going to believe this, but I'm a prisoner in a van, and I'm here with a couple of these other cats," Silverman politely explained to the 911 operator Tuesday. "A couple of the guys that were in the van jacked the van ... at the hospital."

When asked about thier current whereabouts:

"We're in Oklahoma somewhere. I don't know because we're not on a road and I'm not from here," Silverman told the dispatcher. "I just don't want to get shot by no cops or nothing."

When asked where the other prisoners were:

"We're all in the van," he said. "Two of the dudes took off. The dudes that were doing whatever they were doing took off."

He actually stayed on the phone until police arrived:

"The cops are right here!"

All prisoners were captured and returned. No word on whether Joshua will be given a lighter sentence though... 

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