How to build a roller coaster for under 50$

A young man on Reddit (LighterTheBright) with a group of his friends, claim to have built a roller coaster for under 50$. They posted pictures to show their progress. The trick, I believe, was to use pallets, break those up, and use some clever engineering skills to create quite the sturdy coaster.

Apparently it all started as a bet

The friends would work only until 11pm each night as as the neighbors would get pretty frustrated with their banging!

Throw some wheels on the bottom of a board

The boards were soaked in water to make them easier to bend the following day..

Between 3 people it only took 27 hours

The first ride, bucket as a helmet?? Doesn't sound too safe!

They cut off the extra wood, stuck on some christmas lights, and it made for a pretty smooth ride. I love the braking system, i.e "Grab my hand!!!"

The user claims that it cost under 50$, and in just over 1 day's work? You could get this bad boy set up in no time! God knows how much medical issues would cost if you have any accidents..

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