On this edition of TYDK, we will look at some things you probably did not know were possible. Some might be a bit gross, so viewer discretion is advised.

1. Cankles:

Cankles are the term given to legs where ankles are not present because thecalves have over taken the ankles. Pretty sad stuff, but in this case- we kind of just want this person to buy some new shoes..

2. Lamborghini with a bear in it?

The person who posted this picture wrote "this guy just blocked the road outside of my work with his lamborghini.. Yes that is a bear inside of it..."

I don't think there needs to be any more explaining than that!

3. Mother nature can be a dick..

At first glance you would think that some person did this as a prank- well you would be right if by person you meant mother nature. Indiana is messed up right now with crazy winds and rain- as well as freezing temperatures. This table is actually frozen to the wall.

4. The crazy stuff they show on TV

The NFL is a tough sport where anything can happen. It is televised live, and some stuff is hard to unsee..

But it is not as rough and tough as a live news coverage can be. Below is a man who got shot in the head during a live news report.

5. The stuff that must influence kids these days..

Video games, music, movies and television are all apart of our society now. Mix this with the fact that you can't beat your kids for doing wrong, and you find yourself in a society where a ten year old writes a story like this.


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