There is a new kind of underwear that masks the smell of farts!!

The flatulence-filtering underwear (Picture: Rex/Shreddies Ltd)

Have you ever eaten Mexican food on a date, and worried that your gas might end things early?!? 

Farts can be embarrassing! But why? They are just a part of nature- everyone does it... In fact recent studies show that the average person passes a liter of gas every day! That comes out to about 14 farts per day, however I know some people who can blow that record away! 

Did you know that all animals fart (Well the study of fish flatulence has not taken place just yet), and the animal with most farts in a day goes to the mighty termite! Apparently their diet contributes to quite the gas problem. 

If you are sick of blaming the dog for your butt odors, then I think you will be happy to hear that the company Shreddies has options for you. They use a special material called Zorfax (a material they actually use in Chemical warfare suits!) to mask the smell, and apparently it works like a charm. Thier underwear can filter out the smell of farts that are 200 times stronger than your average fart! They claim their product is for the millions who suffer from IBS, Crohn's and food intolerances.  

The flatulence-filtering underwear (Picture: Rex/Shreddies Ltd)

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