The world's fastest Internet connection belongs to a 75-year-old woman and is 40 Gigabits/second!

looking for high speed internet well you can find it in this woman house...Sigbritt, a 75 year old Swedish woman has the world’s fastest Internet connection!Her connection runs 40 Gigabits per second. That’s many thousands faster than the average residential connection. Her son, Peter Lothberg arranged the connection at her house. He explained that he was trying to persuade internet operators to invest in faster connections.

Sigbritt enjoys over 1,500 high definition HDTV channels simultaneously, and if she gets bored she can just download a full high definition DVD in just two seconds!
The secret?A new modulation technique which allows data to be transferred directly between two routers up to 2,000 kilometers apart, with no intermediary transponders.
Apparently the technique isn’t that hard, and what Lothberg is seeking is for many residents at Sweden to be enjoying this fast Internet pretty soon!

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