A crackhead called the police on his dealer because..

Drugs are bad, m'kay (For those of you who watch South Park)? It has been admitted by many country heads up until now that the "War on Drugs" is failing- and the more that you tell people they can not do something, the more they will want to.

Crack is one hell of a drug, it literally changes the way you think from the very first time you smoke it. Extremely addictive, and very cheap. It's effects on the human body are disgusting, ruins your teeth and makes you super skinny. Even the high is described as a short lived intense high, that is immediately followed by depression.

The above picture took place in Detroit (No surprise). The crack head was sick of the high prices this guy was charging. The thing about crackheads is they do not think things through clearly, anyone who has taken economics (or crackenomics) knows that by eliminating the supply of this drug dealer it is only going to drive up the price of Crack.

No word as to what happened to the crackhead who phoned in the cops.

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