Top Chocolate Myths busted!!

We all love chocolate, but we fear what it might do to us! Fat, pimples, caffeine, etc. These are just some of the things that scare us from our favourite desserts! Well we are going to take a look at some of the myths and facts of chocolate. 

1. Caffeine

It was previously thought that chocolate is high in caffeine. This is false, there is 5mg of caffeine in chocolate, or the equivalent of decaf coffee (Regular coffee has around 165 mgs of caffeine).

2. Nutritional value

Chocolate has magnesium, copper, iron, and zinc in its mix. Polyphenols is also in it- that is a antioxidant usually found in tea or wine. Actually- a normal size chocolate bar has the same number of antioxidants than a 5 ounce glass of wine.

3. Cavities

Lets make your day. Chocolate, no - scratch that... Candy, does not give you cavities. Actually it is the bacteria already in the mouth that metabolizes the sugars and starches from any food, including vegetables. This is what causes cavities.

4. Acne

For years the pimples known as acne was blamed on diet, but information has recently come out that Acne has absolutely nothing to do with what you ingest. Acne is still a mystery, but it is believed that the face oils and bacterias are the major factor that really causes it.

5. Weight Gain!

This might be your favourite. A chocolate bar only contains around 220 calories in it. It eaten in moderation, it will probably help you not overeat - or binge eat- when you do actually indulge.

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