Male puppies will always let the female win when playing with eachother

When puppies play with each other, the female always wins. No we are not talking about chess, but puppies can get pretty rough! Male dogs are always stronger, and tougher- and they know this. But they are so sweet that they purposely let the female win when rough housing.

Play data samples were taken on dogs between the ages of 3 weeks to 40, and they were watched when they played with their ow sex- and the opposite. 

Females were more likely than males to try to play with their own sex, but that may be to stave off more vicious behavior later.
“Because adult female-female aggression, when it occurs, can generally be more intense than female-male aggression, we suggest that females may use play with other females as one way to practice threat and appeasement signals that may serve to ritualize aggression and limit overt aggression later on,” said Ward, whose findings are published in this month’s Animal Behavior.


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