Dog sits by owner's grave for six years

An Argentinean dog proving that he is a man's best friend .this dog has spent the past six years sitting beside his owner grave .

the dog disappeared from his home in the Small town in the center of Argentina  following the death of his owner, Miguel Guzman, in March of 2006.

Guzman's family didn't notice the absence of the good until they visited Miguel’s grave at a municipal cemetery.

Even though the family called to the dog, he stayed by his master’s grave.

What surprised them was that Miguel had passed away in a hospital in the city and his body was taken to a funeral home far away from their residence and none of the family members recalled the dog following them to the cemetery before.

“The next Sunday we went to visit Miguel’s grave and the dog was there. This time he followed us when we returned, because we had walked. He stayed with us at home for a while but later went back to the cemetery,” Veronica said.

Captain has made that cemetery his home for the past six years.

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