Did you know that when Japan started to check in on their oldest citizens it turned out that…

Japan has been famous for having long life expectancy and it is quite often that people live over 100 years there
A recent check has shown that many of the oldest Japanese are dead but their pensions are still paid to their heirs

The reputation of being a country, where people can grow old and enjoy excellent social benefits after their retirement, has been long attributed to Japan. Apparently, according to a recent study, some of them enjoy these benefits even after their death!

The whole story started quite spontaneously when the police found the mummified body of a man who was dead for more than thirty years but whose daughter was still collecting his pension after his death.
That raised suspicion and the local authorities decided to check other old people too. It turned out that there were many people who have not been seen for decades, but whose heirs were still receiving their pensions. Of course, there were more alive people than missing, but the question what happened to the missing people remains without an answer. Speculations that a lot of them were mummified have been circulating through the media but for most missing cases, the truth would probably remain a mystery.

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