Did You Know That A Swedish Woman Has Found Her Long Lost Wedding Ring On A….

Lena Paahlsson from Sweden was very fond of her ring as she had designed it herself and was really sad when it went missing in 1995. She was doing the Christmas cooking when the diamond ring disappeared from the kitchen surface she had left it on. The family turned the whole house upside down in search of the ring but it was nowhere to be found. They even had the kitchen floor retiled, hoping the ring would turn up but to no success.

16 years later, Lena was doing gardening on her family farm in Mora, central Sweden, when she suddenly noticed a carrot that had a shiny band fastened around it. The shiny thing happened to be Lena’s ring and the carrot was growing right in the middle of it.
Lena and her family suppose the ring was lost in vegetable peelings that were later made into compost and ended up in the garden.
As the ring no longer fits, Lena wants to have it resized so she can wear it again. 

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