3 ways you know you are getting older...

1. You are embarrassed by your past self: You ever stand in the shower and cringe about something you said or did in the past- and you try to think of how you could have done it better? Hindsight is 20/20 they say! But what are talking about here is a bit different.

 Do you ever look at pictures of yourself in high school or in grade school and think "What was I wearing!!" These are the kinds of things that make you realize you have changed, and you are growing up.

2. You fight the urge to break stuff: When I was growing up, I used to get urges to break stuff. I don't know why, I wouldn't call myself a bad kid- but sometimes you just want to see what will happen. Well, breaking stuff and worrying about the repercussions (like jail time) makes you realize you are becoming an adult... Which leads us to number 3!

3. Double thinking everything: When I was in highschool, I used to never care about what consequences my actions would bring. Friends going out to the clubs? Then I am too! Now I would double think that, "I have work tomorrow- I might be tired at work- I don't want that, I'm staying in.."

As boring as that sounds- that is a part of growing up.. It's just life. You get used to it, and then you find ways to make it suck less. What ways do you make growing up suck less??

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